[乐游网导读]作为任天堂最新推出的卖点主机,WillU理应吸引不少玩家的注意。但是对于专业游戏人来说,他们的看法就会理性的多。最近战神之父David Jaffe在采访中表示并不看好WillU,不知任粉会怎么想?
作为任天堂最新推出的卖点主机,WillU理应吸引不少玩家的注意。但是对于专业游戏人来说,他们的看法就会理性的多。最近战神之父David Jaffe在采访中表示并不看好WillU,不知任粉会怎么想?
战神系列缔造者David Jaffe在E3过后接受媒体采访时表示,WiiU作为硬件没多少让人产生购买的冲动,软件方面也没有什么能让人竖起眉毛的大作,想复制Wii的大热销可能性很低。
David Jaffe说:我在E3看到WiiU时候,心里没有说“天呐,我一定要买台回去”的想法,作为新硬件WiiU也只能让软件来驱动人们购买了,任天堂不是苹果,苹果单靠漂亮的硬件设计就可以让人产生消费冲动,就算苹果制造一个马桶抽泵,粉丝也会大叫“太精美了,我要买一个” 而任天堂就只能靠软件了......虽然我喜欢WiiU上的《雷曼》,但是我看不到WiiU上有让人竖起眉毛兴奋不已的独占大作!
I don’t see the Wii U and say ‘oh my God I have to have that.’ But with new hardware that’s usually the case; the software’s going to drive it. Or it’s like Apple and the hardware is so elegantly designed that it’s like, ‘Oh they make toilet plungers? I’ll buy it!’ I played some games, I enjoyed Rayman… it’s not like I’m knocking it but I would say that I wasn’t blown away by any individual piece of software that was exclusive to Wii U.