

来源:乐游原创 日期:2011/11/17 9:19:48 作者:杀手简
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分析师们一直在对微软对于下一代主机代号XBOX720的战略侧重。说起IndustryGamers,EEDAR,M2的研究,RW Baird的DFC情报专家一直忙于预测公司的下一步行动。



Billy Pidgeon,M2的研究分析师说,“我不希望厂商离开了新一代游戏机的物理介质格式。云游戏服务尚未允许大规模访问,我同意微软的说法物理介质的更换和基于云的游戏付费与是在长远的未来。“

DFC情报分析师David Cole说,“Xbox 720应该肯定有某种物理介质的访问。在云的东西可以打开新的大门,微软的策略是所有通过框提供服务,基本上它已经有点开始云的策略。但是游戏娱乐,这意味着你需要的物理媒体介质的存在。我们可以看上周的零售暴动作为一个重要的标志。当微软在Xbox 720的云技术的会谈,我认为这是往往更与娱乐/营销方面的业务/技术的一面。”

RW Baird的Colin Sebastian补充说,“任何家用主机制造商将要为消费者提供的混合分配点 - 在云和在零售店消费者玩的游戏,有这样大的一个范围群体,并没有一种适合所有情况的解决方案。“

EEDAR的杰西Divnich说,“在数字化转型将可只是说是过渡,不管是微软还是索尼也不会迫使消费者到去到达100%的数字,数字化转型最终消费者和微软和索尼将继续支持物理介质,直到大众市场接受数字已达到临界点,我期望的Xbox 720,或任何他们选择使用它,将作为一个真正的混合家用主机,支持物理和数字媒体与长期希望他们能提供足够的支持和价值,以加快这一转变。“

Analysts have been weighing in on Microsoft's likely strategy for its next console, nicknamed Xbox 720. Speaking to IndustryGamers, experts from EEDAR, M2 Research, RW Baird and DFC Intelligence have been busy predicting the company's next move.

Speculation is growing concerning how Microsoft will handle advances in cloud-based gaming, as demonstrated by services like Gaikai and OnLive.

But the technology has a long way to go before it can be embraced wholeheartedly by major console players. And while Microsoft has already announced cloud saves for this generation of consoles, it is widely believed the firm is not ready to completely abandon disc and hard-drives.

Billy Pidgeon, an analyst at M2 Research said, "I don't expect vendors to leave physical media formats out of next-generation consoles. Cloud gaming services can't yet allow access on a scale to realize their inherent disruptive potential. I agree with Microsoft's assertion that cloud-based game delivery as a replacement for physical media is in the long term future."

DFC Intelligence analyst David Cole said, "The Xbox 720 should definitely have some sort of access for physical media. The cloud stuff can open up new doors and Microsoft's strategy is all about delivering services via the box, basically it has been somewhat of a cloud strategy from the beginning. But games are entertainment and this means you need the physical presence. We can just look at the mob at retail last week as a sign of its importance. When Microsoft talks about the cloud technology in Xbox 720 I think it is often more the business/technology side versus the entertainment/marketing side."

Colin Sebastian of RW Baird added, "Any smart console manufacturer will want to offer a mix of distribution points for consumers - both in the cloud and at retail stores. There is such a broad spectrum of games that consumers are playing, and there is not a one-size fit all solution."

EEDAR's Jesse Divnich said, "The digital transition will be just that, a transition, and neither Microsoft nor Sony will force consumers to go 100% digital. The digital transition will ultimately be at the choice of the consumer and Microsoft and Sony will continue to support physical media until the mass market has reached the tipping point of acceptance on digital I'd expect the Xbox 720, or whatever they choose to call it, will act as a true hybrid console, supporting both physical and digital media with the long-term hopes that they can provide enough incentive and value to accelerate that transition."



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