成就名称 | 达成要求 | 出处 |
Platinum Trophy | Collect all DmC Devil May Cry Trophies | |
Time to go to work guys! | Purchase your first upgrade | Devil May Cry -开场CG,Trish用剑穿了Dante的胸还用了电击,取笑“Didn't your daddy teach you how to use a sword?”之后抄起摩托车向Dante砸过去。Dante说完这句话之后用双枪将摩托车打爆。 |
Come on Puppy. Let’s go! | Defeat your pursuer | Devil May Cry 3 - M3 boss战前,调戏(XD)三头犬Cerberus,伴随着一个弯下腰拍巴掌的招猫逗狗的动作。 |
It’s got to stay in the family | Acquire Arbiter | Devil May Cry 4 - M10 boss战结束,Dante向Nero说明自己为什么要拿回Yamato(但是马上就因为Nero一句“I need this”送出去了……) |
Thing drives me crazy | Acquire Osiris | Devil May Cry 4 - M2 boss战结束。原句是“Damn thing drives me crazy though” |
Only kind of gift worth giving | Acquire the Angel Boost ability | Devil May Cry 4 -结局Epilogue 1,Nero要把Yamato还给Dante但是Dante让他“Keep it”,Nero不解。原句是“That’s the only kind of gift worth giving” |
Flock off, feather-face! | Survive the encounter with the Tyrant | Devil May Cry - M9初遇Griffin |
This baby sure can pack a punch | Acquire Eryx | Devil May Cry 4 - M2第一场战斗之前,教堂外一片混乱,Nero让Kyrie先走。用Red Queen击杀若干只恶魔之后自言自语,表示武器用着很顺手 |
He’s a demon too | Help Phineas retrieve his eye | Devil May Cry 3 - M7 Lady从空中掉落被Dante抓住,Lady开了一枪打中Dante眉心却发现Dante没事,自言自语。 |
You are not a Human, are you? | Acquire the Devil Trigger ability | Devil May Cry 3 - M3 boss战结束,Cerberus第一句话。 |
No talking! | Acquire Aquila | Devil May Cry 3 - M5 boss战结束,Agni & Rudra希望Dante带上它们,Dante提出“Okay, but on one condition.”(嫌双刀太吵了XD)Dante获得新武器试用耍酷一番之后Rudra称赞一句“impressive”马上被Dante敲了头又说了一遍“No talking” |
More than just a few sparks | Acquire Revenant | Devil May Cry 4 - M16 boss战结束,Dante用最后一枪让Berial化成了无数火花之后的自言自语,原句是“That’s a letdown… I was hoping for a bit more than just a few sparks…” |
Whatever, Lady | Defeat Mundus Spawn | Devil May Cry 3 - M9开场CG,Dante和Lady合作击杀恶魔,Dante边打边问Lady的名字,Lady回答随便,Dante自言自语(说完这句就自己跑了让妹子一个人打架你也真好意思……) |
You’re not going to shoot me | Acquire Kablooey | Devil May Cry 3 - M12开场CG,Dante受不了Jester的废话于是用枪顶着Jester的鼻子,Jester原话是“You’re not going to shoot me, are you?” |
It’s time to finish this! | Help Vergil open the Vault | Devil May Cry 4 - M20开场CG,Nero马上要与Sanctus开始最终战,Dante的声音从外面传来……(- -|||) |
Cleaning up his Dad’s mess | Defeat Mundus | Devil May Cry 3 - M11 boss战前CG,Dante最后一句话,原话是“A son cleaning up his dad’s mess, huh?” |
Looks like it’s your lucky day | Complete a level without taking any damage | Devil May Cry 2 - Dante’s disc M2 / Lucia’s disc M3 CG(2代台词本来就少得可怜……) |
Every hero has a weakness | Complete Furnace of Souls without taking damage from the furnaoe | Devil May Cry 2 - Dante’s disc M14 / Lucia’s disc M10 CG,Lucia问“Why did you save me? I was created... by him...”时Dante的回答 |
It’s only the rain | Kill 10 enemies by pushing them into the Hurricane ride on Mission 1 | Devil May Cry 3 - M20结束,Dante从塔中走出来到废墟上遇到Lady之后的对话。Lady问“Are you crying?” Dante的回答 |
A man with guts and honor | Reach the end of the descent on Mission 6 having killed all of the enemies | Devil May Cry - M17 boss战前Dante对Nelo Angelo说的,后面还有一句“I like that! But it's a shame you serve Mundus.” |
Now my coat’s all charred | Navigate the Sky Bridge on Mission 16 without hitting the lasers | Devil May Cry 4 - M16 boss战前Dante坐在Bariel尾巴上玩耍(?)一番之后的调侃 |
Where does the time go? | Complete a level with 2 minutes or less on the clock | Devil May Cry 3 - M2结尾CG,Dante看着Temen-Ni-Gru的方向说的话,前一句是“It’s been nearly a year since we last met.” |
For Tony Redgrave | Kill 50 enemies using nothing but firearms | Devil May Cry官方小说中讲述双枪的来历时提到,制枪的老人将改造过的双枪送给当时还化名为Tony Redgrave的Dante,枪身上刻着“For Tony Redgrave”。在Devil May Cry 3官方设定图中也可以看到刻在双枪之Ebony枪身上的“For Tony Redgrave”字样 |
In the name of my father | Kill 100 enemies using nothing but Demon weapons | Devil May Cry - M15 boss战后CG,Dante最后一句台词,完整原句是“In the name of my father, I will kill Mundus!” |
You’ll never have her fire | Kill 100 enemies using nothing but Angel weapons | Devil May Cry - M20 boss战后CG,Dante对于Trish的背叛表示愤怒和失望,完整原句是“You have the face you'll never have her fire!”(Dante你真的是恋母吗……) |
Impressive | Slay 100 Demons | Devil May Cry 3出现2次。第一次出现在M5 boss战结束后,Dante获得新武器耍酷一番之后Rudra的称赞(但是马上就被Dante撞了头并且下令“No Talking!” XD),第二次出现在M13 boss战后CG,Vergil, Dante, Lady三人把武器架在Jester/Arkham肩上时Arkham说的话 |
Bring it on! | Slay 1,000 Demons | Devil May Cry 3 - M20结束CG,Dante和Lady发现还有没消灭的恶魔,即将进入Staff时Dante说的话 |
Sensational! | Gain a SSS Style Rank during combat | 没找到…… |
It’s showtime. Come on! | Earn 1,500 Style Bonuses | Devil May Cry 3 - M3 boss战前CG,Dante最后一句台词(同样伴随着一个耍酷的动作) |
This is my kind of rain | Spend 10,000 Red Orbs | Devil May Cry 3 - M7 Lady从空中掉落被Dante抓住,Dante第一句话 |
Absolutely crazy about it | Spend 50,000 Red Orbs | Devil May Cry 3 - M20结束CG,Dante和Lady发现还有没消灭的恶魔,即将进入Staff时Dante说的最后一句话,完整是“I’m absolutely crazy about it!” |
Let’s rock, baby! | Upgrade Dante’s health to maximum | Devil May Cry,载入游戏后的提示信息(游戏含有暴力内容云云的那段话)到游戏title画面会有一小段动画,几声枪响之后是Dante的声音“Let’s rock, baby!”。另外“Let’s rock!”在几作里多次出现,Devil May Cry M23在开飞机操作之前,Devil May Cry 3 M1开场CG Dante砸坏电唱机之前标志性的“This party’s getting crazy! Let’s rock!”,Devil May Cry 4 M20结束后即将进入Staff前Nero最后一句话和Epilogue 2 Dante, Trish, Lady三人摆出无比拉轰的pose同时说的话 |
You can’t handle it | Upgrade Dante’s Devil Trigger to maximum | Devil May Cry 3 - M19 boss战中途CG,Vergil登场时对Arkham说的话 |
Dude, the show’s over! | Find all of the Keys | Devil May Cry 3 - M13 boss战后CG,Vergil, Dante, Lady三人把武器架在Jester/Arkham肩上时Dante说的话 |
Let’s welcome chaos! | Open all of the Secret Doors | Devil May Cry 3 - M13 boss战后CG,Vergil, Dante, Lady三人把武器架在Jester/Arkham肩上时Arkham说的最后一句话(说完就把三人撂倒了……) |
And you are set free | Free half of the Lost Souls | Devil May Cry 4 - M16 boss战结束CG,Dante获得武器Lucifer之后演示并耍酷的片段,最后把玫瑰花扔向剑时说的话 |
Stylish! | Complete a mission with a SSS rank | Devil May Cry / 2 / 3 / 4 /战斗即时评价 |
That is what I live for! | Complete all missions on the Heaven or Hell difficulty | Devil May Cry 3 - M20结束CG,Dante和Lady发现还有没消灭的恶魔,即将进入Staff时Dante说的话 |
This party’s just getting crazy! | Complete 10 Secret Missions | Devil May Cry 3 - M1开场CG Dante砸坏电唱机之前标志性的“This party’s getting crazy! Let’s rock!” |
The end? Don’t bet on it | Complete the final mission on Human, Devil Hunter or Nephilim difficulty | Devil May Cry 3 - M1开场CG Dante最后一句话(之后进入战斗场景) |
Looks like we have a winner | Slay 5,000 Demons | Devil May Cry - M23 boss战,Dante借助Trish的力量击败Mundus,在Jackpot前Trish说的话 |
Power… Give me more power | Purchase all of Dante’s combat upgrades | Devil May Cry 4 - M6关卡中段CG,Devil Arm的力量修复了Yamato,Nero首次魔化时说的话 |
Fill your dark soul with light | Free all of the Lost Souls | Devil May Cry - M22结束CG,Dante抱着Trish的尸体哭泣,完整原句是“I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with liiiiiight!!”(伴有回音……回音……回音……) |
Keeps getting better and better | Gain a 100% completion rank on all missions (difficulty doesn’t matter) | Devil May Cry - M3结束CG,Dante初遇Lady,Lady骑着摩托车从Dante头顶飞过之后Dante的自言自语 |
Too easy! | Complete all missions on the Son of Sparda difficulty | Devil May Cry 3 - M3 boss战结束后CG,Dante得到新武器Cerberus,试用之后说的话。同时也是使用Cerberus普通CC技收招时语音。 |
One hell of a party! | Complete all of the Secret Missions | Devil May Cry 3 - M1结束CG,Dante踹门之前说的话,完整原句是“I can already tell, looks like this is going to be one hell of a party!” |
Devils never cry | Complete all missions on the Dante Must Die difficulty | 多次出现:Devil May Cry - M23结束,Trish在Dante怀里哭泣时Dante说的话。而在整部游戏结束CG(也就是跟staff连在一起的)里Dante的店改名为Devil Never Dry(区别就在单复数……)Devil May Cry 2 - Dante’s disc M18 / Lucia’s disc M13进入关卡前第二段CG里Dante对Lucia说的话。同一关卡结尾CG里Lucia回想Dante说过的话。Lucia’s disc M13 boss战结束后CG里Lucia也说过Devil May Cry 3 - M20结束,Dante从塔中走出来到废墟上遇到Lady之后的对话。Lady: “Are you crying?” Dante: “It’s only the rain.” Lady: “The rain already stopped.” Dante: “Devils never cry.”Devil May Cry 3主题曲曲名 |
And welcome to Hell! | Complete all missions on the Hell and Hell difficulty | Devil May Cry 3 - M5开场CG,Jester第二句话。 |
Jackpot! | Complete all missions on the Nephilim difficulty with a SSS rank | Devil May Cry - M23 Dante给Mundus的最后一枪Devil May Cry 3 - M19 Dante和Vergil联手给Arkham的最后一枪Devil May Cry 4 - M20 Nero战斗过程中用投技给予boss最后一击的时候说了jackpot,但是因为伴随着战斗BGM和各种音效所以不太容易听出来 |