[乐游网导读]打开FIFA 08目录,找到X:FIFAMM08userobjectsCAR.TXT,打开,会出现如许一个:例如:Hyundai Atos,Hyundai Atos,Hyundai Atos,Hyundai Atos,Hyundai Atos,Hyundai Atos,9300,atos.bmp,2005。
《FIFA 08》个人金钱修改大法
打开FIFAM08目录,找到X:FIFAMM08userobjectsCAR.TXT,打开,会出现如许一个:例如:Hyundai Atos,Hyundai Atos,Hyundai Atos,Hyundai Atos,Hyundai Atos,Hyundai Atos,9300,atos.bmp,2005
以下为原文:i am quite sure car.txt is still in fm08. just make one of the car to have negative value and you buy it. and u can be an instantaneous billionaire ,And I forgot that you could edit the value in car.txt to e.g. -1.999.999.999 and then buy the car so you get +1.999.999.999. So thanks for clearing this out. Your ways is indeed a lot easier, I never really thought of this, as I always use ArtMoney.
。。《FIFA 08》虽然操作未转变,但是由于在系统上做了很大的改进,使得整个游戏变得更为真实。
【细致事项】 奖励将在运动停止后3个工作日内发放。不过在本作中,easports确把实况足球的短传学了个七七八八,虽然也可以像前作那样靠个人带球冲过对方的阻拦,不过作用已经不是太明显。
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